brought ourselves to the point of destruction, and now the Women want to join us in our madness.
You will be beginning to wonder what all this has to do with TVia and those who read it. It's this: some months ago (I quote from memory) Virginia pointed to the emergence, in the Hippie movement, of an attempt by some men to adopt some of the attributes of women, and then went on to speculate that, if this developed, in a generation or two there might be no more transvestites, because there were no longer clearly delineated differences in the mentality in the two sexes. Ever since I first found TVia and FPE, I have come back again and again to the thought that what is really important is not the clothes, whether I will be acceptable to my GG, or whether I could "pass." The vital thing is "what am I?" and "what should I attempt to be?” (For instance, I don't yet know whether to sign this letter "Rosemary” or “Roy”). In their contexts, both Virginia and Susanna have made this point many times over. They have said that per- sonality becomes more feminine at all levels as they prolong their experi- ence as transvestites. I am too new to the experience of accepting my transvestism at all to be aware of this, but of one thing I am sure. It is that if all men do not mix their masculine aggressiveness with feminine conservatism then there just won't be any next generation or two, whether normal, transvestite or anything else. The human race has got to become bi-genderal in thought and emotion or it will speedily destroy itself in its own garbage and excreta. Virginia thought that “Men's Lib.,” men liberat- ing themselves from the straight jacket of their masculinity, would lead to the disappearance of Transvestism. I feel that the failure of men to liberate themselves, coupled with the rush of the women to join them, will lead to the disappearance of Man, in a civilized state, from the Earth.
In FPE, in TVia we need the relaxation from the pressures of the world, we need the fantasies and the make-believe, and sometimes we can find them, be satisfied and find relief. But neither the real world outside, nor our submerged femme-self within will wait and leave us alone. You might say that we are uniquely fortunate in our misfortune in not being as other men, for we have the wherewithal to remake ourselves and perhaps to help other men to remake themselves and so be able to avert the disaster that is looming before us.